Dear family and friends. Because we all live on different continents and can't see each other as much as we would like to I created this blog where you can follow Johaan's and Shayhan's journey - how they grow and what they experience.

Mila rodinka a kamarati. Kedze byvame kazdy na inom kontinente a nemozeme sa vidat tak casto akoby sme chceli, vytvorila som tento blog, kde mozete sledovat ako Johaanko a Shayhanko rastu, co nove zazili a ake nove huncuctva podnikli.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dalsia kapitola: 2.rok / Next chapter: 2nd Year

Druhe narodeniny / Second birthday
Cambridge, MA
28.jun 2013

Druhe narodeniny / Second birthday
Narodeninova oslava / Birthday party
Franklin Street Park, Cambridge, MA
22.jun 2013

Labutia lod / Swan Boat
Boston Common, Boston, MA
21.jun 2013

Na plazi / On the beach
Nantusket Beach, Hull, MA
16.jun 2013

Skore narodeniny / Early Birthday
Bratislava, Slovakia
10.jun 2013

Schönbrunn Palace
Vienna, Austria
9.jun 2013

Vlacik / Train
Bratislava, Slovensko
8.jun 2013

Na Slavine / At Slavin
Bratislava, Slovensko
26.maja 2013

Cirku L'Art
Festival Noveho Cirkusu / New Circus Festival
Bratislava, Slovensko
24.-25.maja 2013

Stoneham Zoo 
S tetou Gabikou / With aunty Gabika
Stoneham, MA
14 May, 2013

Drumlin Farm
Lincoln, MA
21 April, 2013

Harvard Yard
(O rok neskor / One year later) 
Cambridge, MA
17 April, 2013

S novym strihom / With a new haircut 
Cambridge, MA
6 April, 2013

Stelka, Lunka a ja / Stela, Luna and I
Cambridge, MA
25 February, 2013

Prechadzka v Boston Common / Walk in Boston Common

Boston, MA
15 February, 2013

Snehova burka "Nemo" / Snow blizzard "Nemo"

Cambridge, MA
9 February, 2013

Moja prva zimna dovca / My first winter vacation

Stowe, VT
29 December, 2012 - 1 Januar, 2013

Novy Rok sme sa tento rok rozhodli stravit na horach. Ja som sa uz nevedel dockat, moja prva zimna dovolenka! Par dni pred odchodom sme boli s mamou kupit sanky, ktore som poriadne odskusal doma na koberci. Cesta do Stowe vo Vermonte bola napinava a aj dlhsia ako som predpokladal, velmi husto totizto snezilo. Thaththi s mamou neboli moc nadseni (asi kvoli mojmu vykrikovaniu), ale mne to huste snezenie hralo do karat. Hned ako sme dorazili, vytiahol som sanky, obliekol oteplovacky a hor sa sankovat! Dalsie dni bola dost zima, to mi vsak nebranilo poriadne sa vyblaznit v snehu.  

We decided to celebrate this year's New Years Eve in the mountains. I couldn't wait, my first winter vacation! Few days before our trip mama and I went to buy a sled which I properly tested at home on the carpet. Drive to Stowe in Vermont was interesting and longer than I expected due to a very heavy snowing. Thaththi and mama were not very excited  (probably because of my yelling) but the heavy snow was exactly what I needed. Right after we arrived I put ski pants on, took the sled out and on to the snow! Next days were pretty cold but that didn't stop me from playing in the snow.

Vianoce / Christmas

24 December, 2012

Vianoce som tento rok oslavil okrem mami a thaththiho aj s tetou Christine a ujom Tarikom. 

This year Christmas I celebrated except mama and thaththi also with auntie Christine and uncle Tarik. 

Pod vianocnym stromcekom (ktoreho som sa mimochodom ani raz nedotkol!) bolo tolko darcekov, ze som nevedel, na ktory prv siahnut. 

Under the christmas tree (which I did not touch by the way!) were so many gifts, I didn't know which one to grab first.

Rodinna fotografia nesmie chybat! 

Family portrait can't be missing!

Na prvy Den Vianocny sme si vysli na prechadzku do prirody, ja aby som si uzil behanie  v cerstvo napadnutom snehu a mama s thaththim aby spalili vianocne kolaciky.

On the First Christmas Day we went for a nature walk so I could enjoy running around in fresh snow and mama with thaththi could burn some of those christmas cookies.

So skutocnym Dedom Mrazom / With real Santa

22 December, 2012


16 December, 2012



Hranie / Playing

12 December, 2012
Takto sa v poslednom case hravam. This is how I like to play lately.

Najprv si trosku zahram na hudobny nastroj, dnes to bol xylofon ale inak hravam aj na klavir a na bubon.  
First I like to play a musical instrument, today I chose xylophone but I also play piano and drums.

Potom sa popremavam na autobuse. 
Konecne som zistil ako ho soferovat a nielen tlacit pred sebou. 
No a dnes sa mi podarilo odviezt aj mojho macka.
Then I drive around on my bus. 
Finally I figured out how to actually drive it and not just push it in front of me. 
And today I managed to take my teddybear for a ride as well.

Hranie by sa nemohlo zaobist bez citania knizky. 
Teraz je moja oblubena ta s autami!
Playing wouldn't be complete without reading a book. 
My favourite now is the one with cars!

Este povozit macka na nakladnom aute...
Now take my teddybear for a ride on the truck...

Ano,ano, myslite si spravne, ten vyplazeny jazyk znaci, ze sa snazim o nieco co by som asi nemal robit. 
Tentokrat som sa chcel postavit na policku, aby som dociahol na mamin telefon.
Yes, yes, you are right, that stuck out tongue of mine does mean that I am trying to do something I am probably not supposed to. 
This time I was trying to step on the shelf to reach for mama's phone.

Mama, prosim prosim, este sa chcem hrat!
Mama, please, pretty please, I want to play little longer!




31 October, 2012

Mnohe Johaankove tvare / Johaan's many faces

31 October, 2012


Jesen / Fall

Franklin Street Park,Cambridge,MA
October 2012


Zastavka na Slovensku/Stopover in Slovakia

Podtitul: Spoznavanie Bratislavy
Subtitle: Exploring Bratislava

September 2012

Pri Dunaji v Eurovei / By Danube river in Eurovea
(Na prechadzke s celou rodinkou/On a walk with whole family

Hviezdoslavovo namestie / Hviezdoslavovo square
(Na prechadzke s prababkou, pradedkom a babkou/On a walk with great grandma, great grandpa and grandma

Slavin / Slavin Monument

Bratislavsky Hrad / Bratislava Castle
(Hra na schovavacku s dedkom/Playing hide and seek with grandpa

Horsky park / Horsky Park
(S tetou Luciou, ujom Martinom a Mentolom/With Aunty Lucia, uncle Martin and Mentol

Hlavne namestie / Main Square

Medicka zahrada / Medicka Garden 
(Poobedie s babkou/Afternoon with grandma

Sad Janka Krala / Janko Kral  Park 
(Zbieranie gastanov s kamaratom Filipkom/Picking chestnuts with my friend Filip)

Pri Dunaji / By Danube river 
(S ujom Vladkom v Eurovei/With uncle Vladko in Eurovea)

Stara radnica / Old townhall 


Bratislavska ZOO / Bratislava ZOO 
(S babkou a dedkom/With grandparents)

Muzeum Danubiana, Cunovo / Museum Danubiana, Cunovo 
(Obdivoval som s babkou a prababkou japonske moderne umenie/
Observing Japanese modern art with grandma and great grandma)


Lesopark Zelezna Studnicka / Forestpark Zelezna Studnicka 
(Posledne doobedie v prirode s babkou a dedkom/
Last morning in the nature with grandparents)

Prazdniny na Sri Lanke/Holiday in Sri Lanka

August/September 2012

V polovici augusta ma cakala dlha cesta. Letel som cez dva kontinenty az do dalekej Azie navstivit Aachchi, Seeya, tetu Niroshi, uja Bhathiyu a mojich dvoch bratrancov, Saritha a Suhana. Aj ked let s prestupmi trval skoro dvadsatstyri hodin, s malym mrncanim som to celkom zvladol (nie som si isty ci rodicia suhlasia :)). 

Very long journey awaited me in mid August. I flew across two continents all the way to far Asia to visit Aachchi, Seeya, aunty Niroshi, uncle Bhathiya and my two cousins Sarith and Suhane. Although our flight lasted almost twentyfour hours I managed without too much crying (not sure if parents agree with this statement :)). 

Prvych par dni sme oddychovali na nasom dome v hlavnom meste Sri Lanky, Colombe.  
We spent first few days after the arrival in our house in the capital of Sri Lanka, Colombo.  

So Seeyom/With Seeya
Po par dnoch sa k nam pridala aj babka zo Slovenska a my sme mohli vyrazit za spoznavanim tohoto,  pre mna vtedy este zahadneho, ostrova. Nas prvy vylet viedol cez klukate cesty a popri ryzovych poliach do mesta Kandy a odtial do mesta Habarana situovany skoro v strede ostrova, kde sme pobudli niekolko noci. Tu som sa mohol blaznit v bazene, behat kade tade, pochutnavat si na vybornom  mangu a papaji a travit cas s Aachchi kym ostatni chodili po nedalekych pamiatkach.

Na ceste do Kandy sme sa zastavili na ranajkach u prababky/
On the way to Kandy we stopped for breakfast at great grandmother´s place

After few days babka from Slovakia joined us and we could start the adventure of exploring this, at that point for me mysterious, island.Our first trip went through curvy roads and along rice patty fields to Kandy and from there to the town of Habara situated almost in the middle of the island where we spent several nights. Here I could swim in the pool, run all over the place, enjoy delicious mango and papaya and hang out with Aachchi while the rest explored surrounding sightseeings.

Na ceste/On the road
Cinnamon Lodge Habarana
Pochutnavam si so vsetkymi na obede/Enjoying lunch with everyone
Kazdy den som sa kupal/I swam every day
Posledna fotka pred odchodom do Colomba/Last picture before leaving back to Colombo
Po par dnoch stravenych naspat v Colombe sme sa vybrali opacnym smerom, tentokrat na juzne pobrezie do Narodneho Parku Yala kde mozete vidiet leoparda, medveda, slonov, rozne druhy vtakov a ine zvierata. Hoci mna nechceli zobrat na skutocne safari (z toho co som pocul tam bolo velmi vela prachu pretoze v poslednych mesiacoch vela neprsalo) podarilo sa mi v areali hotela toho vidiet celkom dost. Videl som ako desiatky opic v podvecer naskakali na nedaleky strom od bungalovu, v ktorom sme byvali. Navstivil nas aj slon, ktory si prisiel pomaskrtit na zvyskoch jedla z hotela. Videl som aj velku jastericu, dive svine, kormorany  a pavy. 

Pred nasim bungalovom v Chaya WildI
In front of our bungalow in Chaya Wild
Poobedny oddych s mamou/Afternoon nap with mama

After few days spent back in Colombo we went the other direction, this time we went down south to the famous Yala National Park where you can spot leopards, bears, elephants, all kinds of birds and many other animals. Although mama and thaththi didn´t want to take me on a real safari (from what I heard it was very dusty because of not much rain in past months) I was lucky to see quite a bit of action directly in the resort. I saw about twenty monkies jumping and eating on a tree right next to our chalet. Elephant paid us a visit too, enjoying leftovers from our lunch. I also saw a huge lizard, wild boar, sea raven and peacocks.

Na prechadzke okolo hotela/Walking around the hotel
Opice k nam prisli na veceru/Monkeys came to have dinner

A slon si prisiel pochutnat na zvyskoch nasej vecere/And an elephant came to enjoy leftovers from our dinner

Po navrate do Colomba som si uz len uzival cas s rodinkou a novymi kamaratmi. 
After coming back to Colombo I enjoyed time with relatives and new friends. 

Thaththi, nespi a pod sa hrat!/Thaththi, don´t sleep and come play!
S Aachchi/With Aachchi
S prababkou/Wth great grandma 
Poobedie s prababkou/Afternoon with great grandma

Blaznenie sa s bratrancom Sarithom/Playing with cousin Sarith

S celou Sri Lanskou rodinou/With whole Sri Lankan family
Kto je najvyssi?/Who is the tallest?
S tetou Niroshi/
With Aunty Niroshi
Oddychujem so Sarithom/
Napping with Sarith
So Sarithom a Suhanom/
With Sarith and Suhane

S bratrancom Sarithom/
With cousin Sarith 

Jeden den sme sa stretli s kamaratom Janikom a jeho rodicmi na pustanie sarkanov pred znamym hotelom Gall Face, tradicna predvecerna aktivita pre rodiny s detmi v Colombe.

One day we met my friend Janik and his parents for a true Sri Lankan tradition, flying kites in front of a famous hotel Gall Face. 

Na prechadzke v Great Meadows/On a walk in Great Meadows

11.augusta 2012
Great Meadows National Wildlife Center, MA
Vcera sme boli s mamou a thaththim na prechadzke v lese. Bolo tesne po dazdi a tak bolo konecne vonku prijemne. Okolo nas boli jazera plne kvetov pripominajucich lekna, po cesticke pobehovali male zajaciky a vo vzduchu sa hemzilo nespocetne vela vasok.

Yesterday mama, thaththi and I went for a nice walk in nature. It was right after a rain shower and so finally it was very pleasant outside. We were surrounded by a lake covered with what looked like lotus flowers, cottontails (small hares) were jumping from one side of the path to the other and the air was filled with colorful dragonflies.

Uz chodim!/I am walking!

26.jula 2012
Cambridge, MA

Zhruba pred tyzdnom som sa konecne odhodlal na prvy krok, taky skutocny, bez pridrzania sa! Coskoro z toho boli dva kroky a dnes si uz chodim kade tade (a to doslova). Mama sa stazuje, ze musi za mnou stale lietat, tak ale raz to muselo prist, ci? ;) 

It's been about a week since I finally got the courage to take that first step, a real one, without holding onto something. Soon it became two steps and today I am walking here and there and everywhere. Mama is already complaining that she has to run after me, but c'mon, it had to come one day, right? ;) 

Na navsteve/Visiting

21.jula 2012
Long Sand Beach, York, ME

Na vikend sme boli pozvani na navstevu k tete Sharmini a ujovi Niranjovi do New Hampshire. Plan bol u nich jednu noc prenocovat a na dalsi den ist na plaz do mestecka York v Maine. V piatok pred spanim som sa este chvilu pohral s Sharmini a Niranjom, velmi sa mi pacili ich schody (za chvilu som ich cele zdolal, dokonca som sa naucil ako ich spravne zliest!). Bohuzial ma vsak mama s thaththim dali coskoro spat, co sa mi teda moc nepacilo a tak som po dlhom case dost protestoval. Rano som vsak uz bol spokojny a velmi som sa tesil na plaz. A bolo naozaj super, voda bola celkom prijemna, tento krat som sa vobec neokunal a kedze uz trosku chodim mohol som sa rozbehnut priamo do vln (mame sa to moc nepozdavalo a tak ma stale tahala na breh). 

Sharmini and Niranja invited us to New Hampshire for a weekend. The plan was to stay at their house overnight and go to the beach in York, ME the next morning. I played with Sharmini and Niranja a bit on Friday before going to sleep, I really liked their stairs too (I managed to climb all the way up in a short while and after all I also learned how to get down the right way!). Unfortunately mama and thaththi put me to bed soon which I didn't like much and so had to protest a bit. But the next day I woke up happy and excited to spend a day on the beach. And I loved it! Water was pretty warm and this time, I did not hesitate to get wet. And since I already walk a little, I could run straight into the waves (mama didn't like that much and kept pulling me to the shore).  


Nedelne poobedie v Southie/Sunday afternoon in Southie

15.jula 2012
Castle Island, South Boston, MA



Na plazi/On the beach

2.jula 2012
Nantasket Beach, Hull, MA

Dnes sme konecne s mamou prehovorili thaththiho, aby sme isli na plaz. A tak som bol rad, ze sa nechal prehovorit! Mohol som si stradovat po piesku kam sa mi len zachcelo. Dokonca ani voda nebola velmi studena. Musim sa ale priznat, najprv som sa trosku bal tych obrovskych vln. Ale nakoniec som sa osmelil a skoro ma z tej vody nevedeli dostat. Uz sa tesim na dalsi vylet na plaz, lebo tento prvy bol super!

Today mama and I finally convinced thaththi to go to the beach. And I was so happy he let us. I could crawl on the sand wherever I wanted. Even the water wasn't too cold. I have to admit though, I was little scared of the huge waves first. But after all I got brave and they couldn't get me out of the water. I can't wait for our next trip to the beach because this first one was great!

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