Brookline, MA
5.oktober 2014
Ceske divadielko Ententyky/
Czech Children's Theathre Ententyky
Weston, MA
Vecerne citanie s thaththim (alebo thaththimu?)/
Bedtime reading with thaththi (or for thaththi?)
Cambridge, MA
1.oktober 2014
S Gabikou na farme/
At the farm with Gabika
Connors Farm, Danvers, MA
Na jablkach a cucoriedkach/
Apple and blueberry picking
Honey Pot Hill Orchards, Stow, MA
13.september 2014
Prvy den v skolke /
First day in preschool
Sacramento Street Preschool, Cambridge, MA
Dovidenia teta Emily /
Bye bye aunty Emily
Bye bye aunty Emily
Last day at Emily's family daycare, Cambridge, MA
2.september 2014
Klaun Davey 2.cast /
Clown Davey part 2
Hancok Street Park, Cambridge, MA