Den 227. (10. februara 2012)
Den 222. (5. februara 2012)
Den 220. (3. februara 2012)
Den 217. (31. januara 2012)
Den 208. (22. januara 2012)
Den 207. (21. januara 2012)
Den 204. (18. januara 2012)
Den 203. (17. januara 2012)
Den 202. (16. januara 2012)
Den 197. (11. januara 2012)
Den 194. (8. januara 2012)
Den 182. (27. decembra 2011)
Den 179. (24. decembra 2011)
Moje prve Vianoce.
My first Christmas.

Den 177. (22. decembra 2011)
Den 176. (21. decembra 2011)
Den 175. (20. decembra 2011)
Den 172. (17. decembra 2011)
Den 171. (16. decembra 2011)
Den 169. (14. decembra 2011)
Den 168. (13. decembra 2011)
Den 159. (4. decembra 2011)
Den 158. (3. decembra 2011)
Den 157. (2. decembra 2011)
Den 156. (1. decembra 2011)
Den 155. (30. novembra 2011)
Den 153. (28. novembra 2011)
Den 152. (27. novembra 2011)
Den 151. (26. novembra 2011)
Den 150. (25. novembra 2011)
Den 149. (24. novembra 2011)
Den 146. (21. novembra 2011)
Den 144. (19. novembra 2011)
Den 138. (13. novembra 2011)
Den 134. (9. novembra 2011)
Den 133. (8. novembra 2011)
Den 130. (5. novembra 2011)
Den 126. (1. novembra 2011)
Den 125. (31. oktobra 2011)
Den 124. (30. oktobra 2011)
Den 122. (28. oktobra 2011)
Den 118. (24. oktobra 2011)
Den 222. (5. februara 2012)
Den 220. (3. februara 2012)
Den 217. (31. januara 2012)
Poobednajsia siesta. Afternoon nap. |
Den 208. (22. januara 2012)
Vcera. Yesterday. |
A dnes. And today. |
Den 207. (21. januara 2012)
Dnes som pomahal thaththimu s robotou. Today I was helping thaththi with work. |
Den 204. (18. januara 2012)
Hmmm, co to tam je len napisane? Hmmm, I wonder what is says here? |
Divne, vobec tomu nerozumiem. Weird, I don't understand a thing. |
Mamiiii, potrebujem nieco prelozit! Je to v Spanielcine! Mamaaaa, I need this translated! It's in Spanish! |
Den 203. (17. januara 2012)
Den 202. (16. januara 2012)
Den 197. (11. januara 2012)
S mojou kamoskou Frankie. With my friend Frankie. |
Den 194. (8. januara 2012)
Rok 2012 som sa rozhodol zacat v sportovom duchu - plavanim. I decided to start year 2012 with a sport spirit - swimming. |
Den 182. (27. decembra 2011)
Myslel som si, ze noha bude chutit lepsie... I thought the foot will taste better... |
Den 179. (24. decembra 2011)
Moje prve Vianoce.
My first Christmas.
Den 177. (22. decembra 2011)
S thaththiho rukou sa hram rad. I like playing with thaththi's hand. |
Den 176. (21. decembra 2011)
Hram sa s mojim velkym kamaratom Ethanom. Playing with my big friend Ethan. |
Den 175. (20. decembra 2011)
Atakujem zirafu. Attacking giraffe. |
Den 172. (17. decembra 2011)
Po papani. After eating. |
Den 171. (16. decembra 2011)
Mama, mne sa ale nechce este spat! Mama, but I don't want to sleep yet! |
Den 169. (14. decembra 2011)
Hmm, zrazu mi je nejako teplejsie... Hmm, I feel much warmer at once... |
Aha, uz som doma! Aha, I am already at home! |
Den 168. (13. decembra 2011)
Jedno slnecne popoludnie. One sunny afternoon. |
Den 159. (4. decembra 2011)
Po kupeli. After taking a bath. |
Den 158. (3. decembra 2011)
V novom kociku,ako velky chlapec. In a new stroller, like a big boy. |
Den 157. (2. decembra 2011)
Mami, ved z tohto som uz davno vyrastol! Mom, but I grew out of this long time ago! |
Den 156. (1. decembra 2011)
Den 155. (30. novembra 2011)
Den 153. (28. novembra 2011)
Sam s nohami na kocke... Alone with my feet on the cube (from a slovak song)... A skoro som zabudol...dnes mam 5 mesiacov! Oh, and I almost I am 5 months old! |
Den 152. (27. novembra 2011)
Uzivam si teple novembrove pocasie v lesoparku. Enjoying nice warm November's weather in the park. |
Den 151. (26. novembra 2011)
Pro obrovskom vianocnom stromceku. Next to a giant xmas tree. |
Den 150. (25. novembra 2011)
Poobednajsia siesta? Nemyslim si! Afternoon siesta? I don't think so! |
Den 149. (24. novembra 2011)
Dnes je u nas sviatok a tak thaththi nemusel ist do prace. Jupiii! There is a holiday today so thaththi didn't have to go to work. Yupiiii! |
Den 146. (21. novembra 2011)
Hmmm,co by som tak dnes podnikol... Mmmm, what should I do today... |
Uz viem! Budem lietat! I know! I am gonna fly! |
A lietat... And fly... |
A lietat... And fly... |
Den 144. (19. novembra 2011)
Dnes som objavil novu hracku...moju nohu! Today I found a new foot! |
Den 138. (13. novembra 2011)
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Na nedelnej prechadzke v lese. On the Sunday walk in the woods. |
Den 134. (9. novembra 2011)
U kamosa Ethana na ranajkach. Breakfast at my friend Ethan. |
Den 133. (8. novembra 2011)
Kto to tam je? Who is that? |
Den 130. (5. novembra 2011)
S tetou Christine po navsteve prvej narodeninovej party kamarata Ethana, ktory mal rok. With aunty Christine after attending first birthday party of my friend Ethan who turned one. |
Den 126. (1. novembra 2011)
Rodinna fotka. Family picture. |
Den 125. (31. oktobra 2011)
Co to vrci pri mojej hlave? What is making that noise next to my head? |
Nieeeeee!!! Mne sa pacia moje dlhe vlasyyyyyy!!!! Nooooo!!! I like my long hair!!!! |
Aspon keby mi to vsetko nepadalo do oci... At least if the hair wasn't falling into my eyes... |
Cooooo?!?!?! Kde mam vlasy??!?!?! Whaaaat?!?! Where is my hair?!?!?! |
Den 124. (30. oktobra 2011)
Sneh v oktobri? Ja som pripraveny na vsetko! Snow in October? I am ready for everything! |
Den 122. (28. oktobra 2011)
Dnes mam styri mesiace!!! I am four months old today!!! |
Den 118. (24. oktobra 2011)
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Fotka na pas? Passport picture? |
Den 117. (23. oktobra 2011)
Den 114. (20. oktobra 2011)
Den 109. (15. oktobra 2011)
Den 107. (13. oktobra 2011)
Kde ste vsetci? Where is everyone? |
Aha, tu ste! Here you are! |
Den 97.- 99. (3. oktobra 2011 - 5. oktobra 2011)
Moj prvy vylet mimo Boston. My first overnight trip outside of Boston.
Aaaa, tak toto je ta jesen, o ktorej mi rodicia hovorili. Celkom pekne... Aaah, so this is that foliage my parents were talking about. Pretty nice... |
Den 96. (2. oktobra 2011)
Cakame s tatom na hosti...dnes vecer sa u nas chysta sri lanska party. Waiting for guests with thaththi...there is going to be Sri Lankan party at our home tonight. |
Ujo Tarik si ma na chvilu drzal. Mama a tety len pozeraju! Uncle Tarik held me for a bit. Mama and aunties are just watching! |
Den 93. (29. september 2011)
Den 91. (27. september 2011)
Hmmm,akoby som si dal tuto hracku celu do pusy...
Hmmm, how could I put this toy all in my mouth...
Den 89. (25. september 2011)
Do mesta vo velkom style.
To the city in a big fashion.
Den 88. (24. september 2011)
Snazim sa zaspat ale neuspesne.
Trying to fall asleep but unsuccessfully.
Trying to fall asleep but unsuccessfully.
Den 87. (23. september 2011)
Na prechadzke s Achchi and Seeya (sri lanska babka a dedko).
On a walk with Achchi and Seeya (sri lankan grandma and grandpa).
Na prechadzke s Achchi and Seeya (sri lanska babka a dedko).
On a walk with Achchi and Seeya (sri lankan grandma and grandpa).
Den 86. (22. september 2011)
A dva prsty v puse!.
And two fingers in my mouth!
Den 85. (21. september 2011)
Den 77. (13. september 2011)
Z chrbata na brusko to bude tazsie...
It's gonna be harder from the back to tummy...
It's gonna be harder from the back to tummy...
Den 75. (11. september 2011)
No konecne! Dnes sa mi podarilo dostat z brucha na chrbat!
Finally! Today I managed to roll over from my tummy on to the back!
Den 73. (9. september 2011)
A tu je moja ruka!
And here is my hand!
Den 70. (6. september 2011)
Hmmm, ako sa len chyta takato hracka...
Den 68. (4. september 2011)
Posledny den s babkou...ale iba na chvilku.
Den 66. (2. september 2011)
Aha ako uz zdviham hlavicku!
Den 65. (1. september 2011)
Na vylete v mestecku Marblehead (MA).
Den 64. (31. august 2011)
Ake mam sexi gate.
Den 63. (30. august 2011)
A takto vyzeram ked dobre papam a kakam.
Den 59. (26. august 2011)
Dnes sme vyuzili krasne letne pocasie a vybrali sme sa na dlhu prechadzku az do parku pri rieke v Bostone. Neskor sme sa tiez presli do Public Garden.
Den 57. (24. august 2011)
Sice na treti pokus ale predsa sa nam dnes podarilo ist na vylet do Mount Auburn Cemetery.
Den 56. (23. august 2011)
Mama ma dnes takto nosila ked som isiel prvy krat do muzea. Velmi ma zaujal Jackson Pollock, tie cierne skvrny boli super.
Den 54. (21. august 2011)
Pocasie nam dnes prialo a tak sme sa vybrali na vylet do Newburyportu. Cerstvy morsky vzduch mi prospel aj ked sa tak mozno netvarim.
Den 53. (20. august 2011)
Konecne rodicia zistili aka teplota vody je pre mna idealna, necudo, ze som predtym stale pri kupani plakal.
Den 52. (19. august 2011)
Cas hrania. S tymto vtacikom sa rad hravam, taaaak pekne cvirika!
Den 51. (18. august 2011)
Pozujem pre mamu.
Den 50. (17. august 2011)
Dnes som bol prvy krat na prechadzke v baby ruksaku, celkom dobre, len sa teraz musim poriadne povystierat.
Den 49. (16. august 2011)
Usmev pre babku.
Den 45. (12. august 2011)
To preco ma takto naobliekali, ved je leto!
Den 43. (10. august 2011)
Jeej, aky zaujimavy obrazok mam na mojej hracke!
Den 42. (9. august 2011)
Ranne natahovanie.
Den 41. (8. august 2011)
Konecne som nasiel ten palec!
Den 40. (7. august 2011)
Parents watched some video about swaddling babies and holding them like this...I kind of like it.
Den 39. (6. august 2011)
Posing in front of the camera. Too bad you can't see my hands, I was doing one of my boxing numbers.
Den 38. (5. august 2011)
Pozrite ako viem uz zdvihat hlavu! Sice si pri tom niekedy pomaham cmulanim ruky, ale nakoniec to stoji za to.
Look how I am able to lift my head! Although sometimes I have to help myself by licking my hand it is worth it.
Den 37. (4. august 2011)
Moje babatkovske akne znepokojuju mojich rodicov, ja sa na tom len smejem.
My baby acne seems to bother my parents but I just keep laughing at it.
Den 36. (3. august 2011)
V poslednych dnoch ma celkom zaujal kolotoc nad mojou postielkou.
Den 33. (31. jul 2011)
Dalsi zaujimavy den. Boli sme mimo Bostonu v muzeu Decordova. Paci sa mi v prirode, hlavne ked mozem volne vylihovat na deke.
Den 32. (30. jul 2011)
Dnes sme boli na prechadzke v Bostone. Bolo super len keby ma nevytahovali z toho kocika ked mi fukal vietor do oci.
Den 31. (28. jul 2011)
Joooj, tak dobre som si odgrgol.
Den 30. (27. jul 2011)
Posledne dni ma stale viac a viac nutia posilovat na bruchu.
Den 29. (26. jul 2011)
Mamina sa ma snazi uspat...a ja kontrolujem, ci ma ma este stale na rukach, alebo ci ma uz chce dat do postielky, lebo niekedy na mna skusaju take triky.
Mom is trying to put me to sleep...and I am checking if I am still in her arms or if she has already put me to my crib, because sometimes they try these tricks on me.
Den 28. (25. jul 2011)
Pomaly budem potrebovat novy dudel, tento je uz taky vyzuty.
Soon I will need a new pacifier, this one is getting sucked out.
Den 27. (24. jul 2011)
Ruka v ruke (babka a ja).
Hand in hand (grandmother and I).
Den 26. (23. jul 2011)
Dnes u nas bola navsteva kvoli maminym narodeninam tak som sa musel ukazat v dobrom svetle - pekne som cely cas spinkal.
We had visitors today because of my mom's birthday so I had to show my good side - I slept nicely the whole time.
Den 25. (22. jul 2011)
Preco ma stale fotia?
Why are they keep photographing me?
Den 24. (21. jul 2011)
Vymienanie plienok vo dvojici je vzdy zabavnejsie.
Diaper changing is always more fun in two.
Den 23. (20. jul 2011)
Po ranajkach...snaziac sa odgrcnut.
After breakfast...trying to burp.
Den 22. (19. jul 2011)
Som hladny, nevidite? Vsak si jem vlastnu ruku!
I am hungry, can't you see? I am eating my own hand!
Den 20. (17. jul 2011)
Nechajte ma spat!
Let me sleep!
Den 19. (16. jul 2011)
Ti moji rodicia vobec nerozumeju mojej reci...ved je to jednoduche, ked placem bud som hladny, pocikany/pokakany alebo sa mi chce spat. Tak co je na tom take zlozite?
My parents don't understand my language at's so easy, when I cry it can only mean that I am hungry, that I peed/pooped or that I just want to sleep. Is that so difficult?
Den 18. (15. jul 2011)
V poslednych dnoch sa mi najlepsie zaspava na tatovej hrudi.
In last few days I like to fall asleep on thaththi's chest.
Den 16. (13. jul 2011)
Tuto polohu mam rad...vzdy sa pri nej tak peeeekne uvolnim :)
I like this position...I can always niiicely relax like this.
Den 15. (12. jul 2011)
Poobednajsia siesta...sice s otvorenymi ocami, ale vsak nemozu odo mna chciet, aby som stale spal!
Afternoon siesta...even though with wide open eyes but they can't expect me to sleep all day!
Den 14. (11. jul 2011)
Cas menenia plienok teda urcite nie je moj najoblubenejsi. A to o co sa snazia tou zelenou ciapockou na mojom pipiku?
Time of diaper changing is definitely not my favorite. And what are they trying with that green cap on my pee pee?
Den 13. (10. jul 2011)
Vcera som dal rodicom poriadne zabrat. Tak to aspon vnimali oni, ja som sa len snazil o trosku pozornosti. To som chcel tak vela? No nic, dnes sa budem snazit byt tichsie.
Yesterday I gave my parents a hard time. At least that is how they viewed it, I was just trying to get some attention. Is that so much to ask? Oh well, I will try to be more quite today.
Den 11. (8. jul 2011)
Zacinam mat rad piatky ked mozem stravit poobedie s tatinom.
I am starting to like Friday evenings when I can hang out with thaththi.
Den 10. (7. jul 2011)
Nieeeee ... zase "tummy time"... to nevidia kolko energie musim vynalozit ci i len na otocenie hlavy?
Nooooo ... "tummy time" again ... they don't see how much energy do I have to spend just to turn my head?
Den 9. (6. jul 2011)
Pohodaaaaaa ...
Chiliiiiiing ...
Den 8. (5. jul 2011)
Prave sme sa vratili z prvej prechadzky a ja si teraz uzivam chvilku s babkou.
Just came back from my first stroll outside and now enjoying time with my grandma.
Den 7. (4. jul 2011)
No konecne! Uz som sa vazne zacal obavat, ze sa na tomto svete nikdy nenajem.
Finally! I started to worry I will never eat in this world.
Den 6. (3. jul 2011)
Den 4. (1. jul 2011)
Dnes idem konecne domov z nemocnice, uz ma to tu moc nebavilo a ak mam pravdu povedat, neviem sa dockat ako to u nas doma vyzera.
I am finally going home from the hospital today, I was kind of bored here and to be honest, I am looking forward to see my new home.
I am finally going home from the hospital today, I was kind of bored here and to be honest, I am looking forward to see my new home.
Den 3. (30. jun 2011)
Po dvoch dnoch ako takeho jedla ma mama dnes nechala hladovat. Nechapem, co to na mna skusaju. Tam v brusku som nebol nikdy hladny. Nech sa teda necuduju, ze ich kazdu chvilku budim.
After two days of so-so food mom left me with no food today. I don't understand what are they trying to achieve here. I was never this hungry in mom's belly. Don't be surprised I am waking them up every minute.
After two days of so-so food mom left me with no food today. I don't understand what are they trying to achieve here. I was never this hungry in mom's belly. Don't be surprised I am waking them up every minute.
Den 2. (29. jun 2011)
Aaaah, that was a nice nap!
Den 1. (28. jun 2011)
Je 28. juna 2011, minutu pred siestou hodinou rano bostonskeho casu, a ja som prave po umornej noci prisiel na svet.
Musim sa priznat, nebolo to lahke. Pri kazdej maminej kontrakcii sa mi znizoval tlkot srdca, mam podozrenie, ze som si tlacil na pupocnu snuru, ale neviem to potvrdit. Viete, v tom maminom bruchu bola celkom tma a ku koncu aj malo miesto. Nakoniec ma ale dostali von cisarskym rezom a tu ma teda mate.
It's June 28th 2011, one minute before six o'clock in the morning Boston time and after a long and exhausting night I came into this world.
I have to admit, it was not easy. With mom's every contraction my heart beat was getting low, I am suspicious I was pushing on the umbilical cord but can't confirm it. You know, inside there it was pretty dark and towards the end also pretty tight. After all they got me out with c-section and so here I am.
It's June 28th 2011, one minute before six o'clock in the morning Boston time and after a long and exhausting night I came into this world.
I have to admit, it was not easy. With mom's every contraction my heart beat was getting low, I am suspicious I was pushing on the umbilical cord but can't confirm it. You know, inside there it was pretty dark and towards the end also pretty tight. After all they got me out with c-section and so here I am.
1 comment:
Krasne fotky, Natasa. Uz sa tesim,ked uvidim Johaana z blizka. papa, J.
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