Dear family and friends. Because we all live on different continents and can't see each other as much as we would like to I created this blog where you can follow Johaan's and Shayhan's journey - how they grow and what they experience.

Mila rodinka a kamarati. Kedze byvame kazdy na inom kontinente a nemozeme sa vidat tak casto akoby sme chceli, vytvorila som tento blog, kde mozete sledovat ako Johaanko a Shayhanko rastu, co nove zazili a ake nove huncuctva podnikli.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Vikend v Plymouth, MA / Weekend in Plymouth, MA

Posledny vikend s mamickou/babkou v Bostone sme sa rozhodli stravit na pobrezi Atlantickeho Oceana pri meste Plymouth, MA. Vdaka Sashovym fotografickym kontaktom sme si prenajali od nadacie na ochranu vtactva nadherny dom priamo na plazi obkoleseny z jednej strany riekov Eel a z druhej piesocnymi dunami. A kedze prave v tomto case hniezdil na plazi ohrozeny druh vtakov bola plaz uzavreta pre siroku verejnost a pristup na nu mali len obyvatelia plazovych domov, cize my :)  

We decided to spend last babka's weekend in Boston on the Atlantic Ocean's beach near the town Plymouth, MA. Thanks to Sash's photography contacts we were able to rent a beautiful house from a wildlife protection foundation right on the beach, surrounded from one side by Eel river and the other side sand dunes. And because few endangered bird species were hatching on the beach at this time, the beach access was limited only to the beach houses residents, so the beach was just ours!  

Vyhlad z balkona
View from balcony
Nas vikendovy domcek
Our weekend house

Prvy den bolo este trosku chladno, ale aj tak sme si uzivali posedenie na verande.
It was little cooler the first day but it did not stop us to enjoy time on the veranda.

Prve poobedie sme sa vybrali na prechadzku po plazi.
First afternoon we decided to take a stroll on the beach.

Kedze bolo vecer trosku zamracene, naskytol sa nam aj krasny zapad slnka.
It was still cloudy in the evening and so we were awarded with a beautiful sunset.
Druhy den si Shayhanko pytal papat skoro rano a kedze sa mi uz nechcelo ist naspat spat vyuzila som cas a isla si zabehat na plaz.
Second day Shayhan woke early in the morning and because I didn't feel like going back to bed I decided to go running on the beach.

Shayhanko a thaththi si zase s chutou dlho pospali, Johaanko buntosil v druhej izbe babku...
Shayhan and thaththi on the other hand used the time sleeping, Johaan was waking up babka in the other room...

... az kym neprisiel pomoct Shayhankovi zobudit thaththiho.
... until he came to help Shayhan to wake up thaththi.
 Spolocna postelova fotka musi byt!
Common bed time picture can't be missing!
Thaththi a Shayhanko su uz vystafirovani na vylet do mesta Plymouth....
Shayhan and thaththi ready for the trip to town Plymouth...
... Johaanko zas na plaz :)
... Johaan to the beach :)
Plimouth Plantation - 1627 English Village 

Ludia tu rozpravaju starou Anglictinou, obleceny su v davnych kostymoch a rozpravaju o zivote prvych pristahovalcoch z Anglie.
People here speak the old English, they are dressed in costumes from old times and talk about life of first pilgrims from England.

Popri Anglicanoch si v mieri nazivaju americky indiani.
Next to Englishmen live in peace native american indians .

Mayflower II - na tejto lodi (replika) prisli prvy Anglicania.
First Englishmen came on this ship (replica).

Naspat na plazi!
Back on the beach!

Posledny den sme si uzili najviac, cely den pohoda na plazi. Prijemnych 26 stupnov celzia, aj nohy sa dali namocit vo vode :)
Last day we enjoyed the most, all day relaxing on the beach. Perfect 26 degrees celcius, we could even wet our feet in the water :)

Shayhanko si najprv krasne pospinkal v kociku a potom si uzival morsky vzduch z tiena v plazovom stane.
Shayhan had a nice long nap in the stroller first and then enjoyed the ocean air from the shade in our beach tent.

Babka kocikuje.
Babka is taking Shayhan for a stroll.

Obed na verande (mali sme aj normalne jedlo, nie len nakreslene na tanieroch).
Lunch on the patio (we had real food too, not just the one you see painted on the plate).
Super vikend sa nam skoncil a my sme len dufali, ze nase auto to este raz zvladne po piesocnej ceste (safari na Sri Lanke bolo oproti tomu nic).
Great weekend is over, we were only hoping our car will make another trip through the deep sandy road (safari in Sri Lanka was nothing compare to this).