Dear family and friends. Because we all live on different continents and can't see each other as much as we would like to I created this blog where you can follow Johaan's and Shayhan's journey - how they grow and what they experience.

Mila rodinka a kamarati. Kedze byvame kazdy na inom kontinente a nemozeme sa vidat tak casto akoby sme chceli, vytvorila som tento blog, kde mozete sledovat ako Johaanko a Shayhanko rastu, co nove zazili a ake nove huncuctva podnikli.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Prazdniny na Slovensku 2017 / Holidays in Slovakia 2017 | 4.august 2017 - 26.august 2017

Dublin Airport

Konecne na letisku vo Viedni / Finally at the Vienna airport

Sprijemnenie horucich dni na kupalisku Rosnicka / Enjoying hot days at Rosnicka pool

S prababkou Evickou / With great-grandma Evicka

Na Bratislavskom hrade / At Bratislava castle

Rytierske dni na hrade Devine / Knight’s Day at Castle Devin

Hrad Devin / Castle Devin

Na salasi / At a farm

Halusky nesmu chybat / Had to eat “Halusky"

Smolenicky zamok / Smolenice chatteu

Kvapelna jaskyna Driny / Cave Driny

V Trnave u tety Janky a uja Mirka / In Trnava visting aunty Janka and uncle Mirko

Dalsi horuci den na kupku / Another hot day at the pool


S kamosmi z Irska - Kubko a Tomik / With friends from Ireland - Kubko and Tomik


Galeria Multium / Multium Gallery

Dom Sv.Martina

Detske muzeum Bibiana / Children’s Museum Bibiana

S prababkou Maruskou / With great-grandma Maruska

Spoznavanie Bratislavy s babkou a dedkom / Bratislava tour with grandma and grandpa

Vieden, Rakusko / Vienna, Austria

Prirodovedne muzeum, Vieden / Museum of natural history, Vienna 

Museums Quartier, Vienna

Stefan’s Dom, Vienna

Hotel Sitno, Vyhne

Splavovanie rieky Hron / Rafting on river Hron

Vystup na vrch Sitno / Hiking to the top of Sitno

Po ceste na vrchol sme sa docitali okrem ineho aj o legende o rytieroch zo Sitna / On the way to the top we learned about the knights from Sitno

Pohlad na Stiavnicke vrchy zo Sitna / View at the mountains Stiavnicke vrchy from Sitno

Babka bola po vystupe vysmiata... / Grandma was smiling after the hike...

... Shayhan bol unaveny... / ... Shayhan was tired...

... a Johaan spokojny, ze dostal zmrzlinu / ... and Johaan happy that he got ice cream

Unava na chvilu premohla Shayhana / Shayhan got tired for a while

A uz sme spat na vlastnych nohach :) / And we are back on our own feet :)

Smer Sitniansky hrad / To the castle

Nadrz Pocuvadlo / Lake Pocuvadlo 

Vecerna diskoteka pre deti / Disco for the kids

Fotka s maskotom Kopkom nesmie chybat / Picture with Kopko can’t be missing

Johaan v art workshope - litografia / Johaan in the art workshop - learning litography
A tu je vysledok / And here is the end-result

Kamenne more / Rock sea

Banske muzeum v Banskej Stiavnici / Mining museum in Banska Stiavnica

Pripraveny na vstup do bane / Ready to explore the mine

Dalsi workshop, tento krat sme vyrabali magnetky / Another art workshop, this time we were making magnets

Pravzatie diplomu / Receiving diploma

Kalvaria, Banska Stiavnica

Johaan mal vela otazok, dedko vzdy pripraveny odpovedat / Johaan had lots of questions, grandpa always ready to answer them

Banska Stiavnica / Town of Banska Stiavnica

Muzeum v Novom Hrade / Museum at the New Castle

Pohlad na Kalvariu / View at Kalvaria

Posledna diskoska / Last disco

Na rande v Bratislave / Date in Bratislava

Na navsteve u prababky, Shayhan ukazuje fotky z nasho vyletu na horach / Visting great-grandma, Shayhan is showing pictures from our trip in the mountains

Dvaja elegani :) / Two elegant men :)

V Bratislavskej Zoo / In Bratislava ZOO

Dino park v ZOO / Dinosaur Park in the ZOO

Stará radnica / Old town hall

Šermiarske predstavenie / Sword fighting

Hlavné námestie / Main Square

Na rakuskom mori s Vladkom / At the Austrian sea with Vladko - Neusiedler See

Kapitani / Captains

Traja muži v člne / Three men in a boat

S prababkou Maruskou / With great-grandma Maruska

Na Bratislavskom hrade s babkou a dedkom / At Bratislava Castle with grandma and grandpa

S prababkou Evickou / With great-grandma Evicka

Botanicka zahrada / Botanic garden

Galeria Nedbalka / Gallery Nedbalka
Spoznavanie slovenskeho moderneho umenia s oteckom 

Deti vysmiate a my ake vazne! / Kids are smiling and we are so serious!

Dovidenia z Londyna, bolo nam na Slovensku super, dakujeme! / Good bye from London, we had a great time in Slovakia,  thank you!

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