Dear family and friends. Because we all live on different continents and can't see each other as much as we would like to I created this blog where you can follow Johaan's and Shayhan's journey - how they grow and what they experience.

Mila rodinka a kamarati. Kedze byvame kazdy na inom kontinente a nemozeme sa vidat tak casto akoby sme chceli, vytvorila som tento blog, kde mozete sledovat ako Johaanko a Shayhanko rastu, co nove zazili a ake nove huncuctva podnikli.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Road trip Kanadou / Canadian Road Trip // 11.-22.jun 2016

Cambridge, MA - Mont-Tremblant, QC, Canada - Quebec City, QC - Perce, QC - St Andrews, NB

# 1: 11.jun 2016

Cambridge, MA

Mont-Tremblant, QC, Canada

Nase ubytovanie
Our accommodation

# 2: 12.jun 2016

Vyrazame spoznavat krasy Mont-Tremblant aj napriek chladnemu pocasiu.
Ready to explore Mont-Tremblant despite of freezing weather. 

Prva zastavka v mestecku musela viest do palacinkarne :)
First stop had to be a Creperie :)

Johaanko si krati cas kreslenim.
Johaan is using spare time to draw.
Pripraveny na zavody.
Ready for a race.

Spoznavanie mesta z vysky :)
Getting to know the town from up high :)

Spiderman v akcii.
Spiderman in action.

Buduci zavodnici?
Future race car drivers?
Kym vonku prsalo, isli sme sa vykupat.
While it rained, we went for a swim.

Vecernicek po dlhom dni.
Good night story after a long day.

# 3: 13.jun 2016

Lanovkou na vrchol.
To the top on a chair lift. 

Vyhlad zatial ziadny, iba hmla.
So far no views, just fog.

Cas na desiatu.
Time for snack.
A kym sme sa posilnovali aj slnko vyslo.
And while we were snacking, sun came out.

Naspat v slnecnom meste.
Back in the sunny town.

Nase byvanie je v domoch na kopci.
Our house is in one of the houses on the hill.

# 4: 14.jun 2016

Srniek sme tu vidili neurekom.
We saw quite a few deer.

Shayhan - poulicny tanecnik.
Shayhan - the street dancer.

Quebec City, QC, Canada

Nase ubytovanie v cetre Stareho Mesta.
Our place in the heart of Old Quebec.
# 5: 15.jun 2016

Notre-Dame Cathedral 

Petit Champlain

Frontenac Hotel

Old Quebec

Canada Day
Plains of Abraham

Pripraveni na veceru.
Ready for some yummy dinner.
Museli sme zvecnit nasu navstevu.
We had to mark our visit.

# 6: 16.jun 2016

Quebec Port

Musee de la Civilisation

Jazda v koci starym mestom
Carriage ride through the old town

Na promenade
At the Esplanade

# 7: 17.jun 2016

Byvale kasarne
Old barracks

Fortifications of Québec National Historic Site

Prechadzka po hradbach - od brany St Jean
Walk on the walls from St Jean Gate

Zastavka na ihrisku
Stop at the playground

Active military installation and official residence of both the Canadian monarch and the Governor General of Canada.

Plains of Abraham

# 8: 18.jun 2016

Perce, QC, Canada

Vyhlad na “Perce Rock” a Bonaventure Island z nasej chaty
View at Perce Rock and Bonaventure Island from our cottage

# 9: 19.jun 2016

Vylet lodou na Bonaventure Island
Boat trip to Bonaventure Island
Perce Rock

Northern Gannets - druha najvacsia kolonia na svete, okolo 100,000 vtakov
Northern Gannets - second biggest colony in the world, around 100.000 birds 

Tura okolo ostrova
Hike around the island

Perce Rock v noci
Perce Rock at night
# 10: 20.jun 2016

Ide sa na velryby! (Usmev ma velmi rychlo presiel na lodi)
We are going whale watching! (My smile disappeared pretty quickly on the boat) 

Posledny vecer v Perce
Last evening in Perce

# 11: 21.jun 2016

Posledny pohlad na nasu chatku
Last look at our cabin
St Andrews, NB, Canada

Posledna zastavka na ceste domov - The Algonquin hotel stal za to a aj toto primorske mestecko
Last stop on the way home -  The Algonquin Hotel was worth it and so was the this little coastal town

# 12: 22.jun 2016

Kingsbrae Gardens

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