Wingaersheek Beach, Gloucester, MA
Boston Public Garden, Boston, MA
Velka Noc / Easter
Lynch Park, Beverly, MA
Franklin Park, Cambridge, MA
11.april 2014
Akrobat / Acrobat
Cambridge, MA
9.april 2014
Zavody / Racing
Cambridge, MA
28.marec 2014
Hallo, thaththi?
Cambridge, MA
Cambridge, MA
19./22.marec 2014
Na prechadzke / On a walk
Cambridge, MA
11.marec 2014
South Boston, MA
8.marec 2014
Vo vytvarnom studiu / In an art studio
Mucky Kids, Cambridge, MA
7.marec 2014
Cambridge, MA
Ja som babo! / I am a baby!
Cambridge, MA
17.februar 2014
Kopce snehu / Piles of snow
Cambridge, MA
6.februar 2014
Lexington, MA
19.januar 2014
Cambridge, MA
Cambridge, MA
Cambridge, MA
December 2013
Nova postel / New bed
Cambridge, MA
Cambridge / Boston, MA
Jesen na Harvarde / Fall in Harvard
Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA
Stoneham Zoo
Stoneham, MA
25.oktober 2013
19.oktober 2013
18.oktober 2013
11.oktober 2013
4.oktober 2013
29.september 2013
Dnes som videl skutocnych rytierov! A krala s kralovnou, a uja co hral na dudoch, a dalsieho uja co hltal ohen a zongloval s mecami! A po ceste sme videli aj ako tu pestuju brusnice!
Today I saw real knights! And the king with the queen, and a man playing on Scottish pipes, and another man who was swallowing fire and juggling with swords! And on the way home we also saw how they grow strawberries here.
Camping in Lost River Valley
Lost River Valley, North Woodstock, NH
20.-22.september 2013
Septembrove pocasie nam stale prialo a tak sme sa s mamou a thaththim rozhodli podniknut poslednu tohtorocnu stanovacku. Pridali sa k nam teta Ana, ujo Goncalo, moj kamos Xavier, teta Thamasha s ujom Lilupom a teta Elvira s ujom Marcom. V sobotu bolo krasne a tak sme si uzili grilovanie a turu. K veceru zacalo trosku poprchat, ale ani to nas neodradilo od grilovania chutnej vecere. V noci poriadne lialo, nas stan vsak nesklamal. V nedelu sme si so Xavierom pobehali kym ostatni balili stany, pochutili sme si na vybornych ranajkach v nedelekom mestecku a navstivili sme znamy hotel Mt.Washington odkial sme mohli obdivovat jesenne farby okolitych lesov. Uz teraz sa tesim na dalsie stanovanie na buduci rok!
Because September weather was still looking good I, mama and thaththi decided to go on a last camping trip this year. Aunty Ana, uncle Goncalo, my friend Xavier, aunty Thamasha with uncle Lilupa and aunty Elvira with uncle Marco joined us. Weather on Saturday was great and so we could fully enjoy grilling and hiking. It started drizzling towards the evening but that didn't stop us from preparing delicious dinner. It started raining quite a lot at night but our tent did not disappoint. Sunday morning we played with Xavier while others packed the tents, then we went to have breakfast in the near town and visited famous hotel Mt.Washington from where we could see beautiful fall colors. I can't wait for another camping adventure next year!

Skore rano na plazi / Early morning at the beach
Sandy Point Beach, Plum Island, Newport, MA
14.september 2013
Thaththi nas dnes prehovoril (prehovarat musel skor mamu ako mna), aby sme vstali o pol siestej rano a isli s nim na plaz, kde chodieva fotit vtaciky. Mna viac ako vtaciky bavilo zbierat musle a rozne palicky a kreslit s nimi do piesku. A objavil som aj stroskotanu lod, na ktorej sa super kormidlovalo!
Thaththi convinced us today (he had to convince mama more than me) to wake up at half past six in the morning and join him on his bird photography morning trip. I was more interested in collecting shells and wooden sticks and draw with them in the sand though. And I also discovered a wracked ship that was awesome to navigate!
Boston Public Garden
Boston, MA
11.september 2013
Jedno asi z poslednych letnych poobedi s mamou v Boston Public Garden.
One of probably last summer afternoons with mama in Boston Public Garden.
Boston, MA
Na plazi / On the beach
Wingaersheek Beach, Gloucester, MA
27.jul 2013
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