Dear family and friends. Because we all live on different continents and can't see each other as much as we would like to I created this blog where you can follow Johaan's and Shayhan's journey - how they grow and what they experience.

Mila rodinka a kamarati. Kedze byvame kazdy na inom kontinente a nemozeme sa vidat tak casto akoby sme chceli, vytvorila som tento blog, kde mozete sledovat ako Johaanko a Shayhanko rastu, co nove zazili a ake nove huncuctva podnikli.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Jarne prazdniny 2017 / Spring vacation 2017

The Berkshires and MoCA
North Adams, MA
23.april 2017

Oslava sinhalskeho Noveho Roka / Sinhalese New Year’s Party
22.april 2017

Lego City Workshop
Cambridge, MA
21.april 2017

Aleppo Shrine Circus
Willmington, MA
19.april 2017

Moje auto / My car
18.april 2017

Jarne upratovanie / Spring cleaning
17.april 2017

Boston Public Garden & Charles River
Boston/Cambridge, MA
16.april 2017

Easter Egg Hunt
15.april 2017