Dear family and friends. Because we all live on different continents and can't see each other as much as we would like to I created this blog where you can follow Johaan's and Shayhan's journey - how they grow and what they experience.

Mila rodinka a kamarati. Kedze byvame kazdy na inom kontinente a nemozeme sa vidat tak casto akoby sme chceli, vytvorila som tento blog, kde mozete sledovat ako Johaanko a Shayhanko rastu, co nove zazili a ake nove huncuctva podnikli.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Leto 2014 / Summer 2014

Posledny plazovy den? / Last beach day? | 31.augusta 2014 | 
Sandy Beach, Newburyport, MA

Letny vecer v Bostone / Summer evening in Boston | 30.augusta 2014 | Boston, MA

Prekvapenie pre Chris / Surprise for Chris | 24.augusta 2014 | Cambridge, MA

Sobotna ranna prechadzka / Saturday morning walk | 23.augusta 2014 | 
Breakheart Reservation, Saugus, MA

Na zahrade / In the garden | 11.augusta 2014 | Cambridge, MA

Poobedie s poziarnikmi / Firefighters Cookout | 10.augusta 2014 | Quincy, MA

Plymouth. Zase? :) / Plymouth. Again? :) | 7.augusta 2014 | Long Beach, Plymouth, MA

Boston s mapou / Boston with the map | 6.augusta 2014 | Boston, MA

Nedelne popoludnie / Sunday afternoon | 3.augusta 2014 | Cambridge, MA

Jenny zonglerka / Jenny the juggler | 24.jula 2014 | Hancock Park, Cambridge, MA

Letny koncert na Esplanade pri rieke Charles / Summer concert at Esplanade by Charles | 23.jula 2014 | Boston, MA

Babkove divadlo / Rosetta's Puppet Theatre |17.jula 2014 | Hancock Park, Cambridge, MA

Na zahrade / In our garden | 16.jula 2014 | Cambridge, MA

Pri jazere / By the lake | 12.jula 2014 | Blue Hill Mountains, MA

Na zmrzline / Ice cream outing | 18.jula 2014 | Kimball Farm, Carlisle, MA

Pri jazere / By the lake | 10.jula 2014 | Walden Pond, Concord, MA

Na koncerte / At the concert | 8.jula 2014 | Danehy Park, Cambridge, MA